MKAT’s Sea Salt
Ideal for sea animals
is a carefully formulated artificial sea salt that aims to provide the closest match to natural seawater. It contains all the necessary major and minor elements without any nitrates or phosphates. It has been meticulously developed, produced, and delivered, all at a reasonable price.
Avaliable size:
6 kg. - 160 liters
25 kg. - 700 liters
!! NEVER !! mixing in the water, containing animals.
✅ Best for marine aquaculture with affordable price.
✅ Substitute natural seawater (MKAT farm’s source of seawater)
✅ Easy to mix and quickly dissolve.
✅ Balanced levels of necessary elements.
✅ No phosphate. No nitrate. No toxic levels of heavy metals.
✅ Amino Acids & Vitamins added.
Dissolving of “MKAT Sea Salt”
Aritificial Sea Salt is a dry powder designed to be mixed with purified water (RO/DI prefered) and contains all of the major, minor, and trace elements found in natural seawater.
1.) Mix Salt with purified and dechlorined freshwater. (always add the salt mix to the water, not the other way around.)
2.) Mix until salt has completely dessolved well.
3.) Measure and adjust salinity and pH to achieve the desired parameters.
4.) Aerate prepared saltwater at least 24 hours.
Always keep in a dry place, away from any moisture. They are anhydrous, meaning they are totally devoid of any water in the packaging. If they are left exposed to the air, they will absorb water from the atmosphere, and the salt will clump. If you use salt infrequently, buy several small packages, keeping it sealed and unopened until you need it.
:Mixed saltwater can be stored heated or cold with no detrimental effect for at least 3 weeks. Keeping it heated and agitated with a pump will help release any gas and prevent a Ph adjustment within the water. Keeping it stored in a dark area with a lid will prevent any algae growth during storage.